Sophia Szady

Sophia Szady

Sophia started in the lab in the fall of 2023 as the Colby Lunder fellow. As a senior at Colby College, she is majoring in Computational Biology with a minor in Religious Studies. She is working on developing a classifier for the huddling behavior during her year with...
Sandeep Kumar (Postdoctoral Associate)

Sandeep Kumar (Postdoctoral Associate)

I joined the Kumar lab in May 2022 as a postdoctoral associate. In the Kumar lab,  I am continuing my adventure in neuroscience of motivation and reward circuit. I did my PhD in opioid modulation of motivated behaviour in zebra finches from National Brain Research...
Dhruv Laad

Dhruv Laad

Dhruv was an intern from IIT- Madras and worked on unsupervised behavior extraction from 2020-2021.  
Shreyas Kulkarni

Shreyas Kulkarni

Shreyas is an undergraduate from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and is doing his Bachelor Thesis at Kumar Lab. He is interested in applications of deep learning. At the lab, he is working on unsupervised identification of mouse behaviors and correlating...